Liberal NYC Prosecutor Targets 2A Rights by Putting BK Man on Trial - Dexter Taylor; WHY are NY Women Getting Punched?; Beef Prices Rise as Cattle Farmers Struggle to Keep Up - JD Rucker; WHAT TO DO When The FBI Knocks on Your Door | The Breanna Morello S
Catching Pedophiles - Alex Rosen; 13-Year-Old Girl Raped by Mob of Migrant Egyptian Men in Italy - Dan Lyman; Trump DOES NOT have Immunity - Jeff Clark; Citizen Free Press; EU Withdraws Plan - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
Expel Congressman Michael Gallagher Now! - John Zadrozny; Police Do Not Show Up - Alex Rosen; Chick-fil-A Drops ‘NO ANTIBIOTICS’ Pledge - JD Rucker; We're Entering a Retirement Crisis - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show