Mike in the Night E493, FDA confirms Graphene Oxide, is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Headline News, U.S. dollar loses global reserve currency status,
Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon on Decoupling from Communist China and Nailing the Debt Ceiling Negotiations + The Four Drivers of American Economic Growth
CBDC | "Pfizer Is Not a German Company. Pfizer Is a German-Chinese Company. They Produced a Billion of the Vaccines, But China Doesn't Use These Vaccines." - Naomi Wolf (Investigative Journalist & Tech Entrepreneur)
Robert & Jaime Agee | Is a Red Wave Headed for America? "I Think the RED Wave That Is Coming Will Be Like the Elevator Doors Opening Up In the Shining." - Joe Rogan
Mark of the Beast | Trump Arrest? Putin Arrest Warrant Issued? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In Israel's History? Civil War In Israel? False Prophets? Why Is China Teaming Up With Russia? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up?