4 years agoToday's Thought: Matthew 2 |A Nativity Story| Wisemen visit, and Herod issues a decree.Devotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoDaily scripture and prayer | Psalm 7 |Today's Thoughts - Don't be intolerantDevotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoDaily Scripture and Prayer|Today's Thought - Psalm 32 - Be Kind and forgivingDevotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoToday's Thought: Proverbs 6 “If I were God.." Devotional and PrayerDevotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoToday's Thought: Gratitude's Beginnings - Start Each Day with a Grateful Heart!Devotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoToday's Thought: Psalm 60 "True Repentance"| Daily Scripture and PrayerDevotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoToday's Thought: Proverbs 8 "A wise person hears the words of God" W/ Scripture and PrayerDevotional PathwayVerified
4 years agoFAST THOUGHTS: The proper way to take care of our senior citizens and those in Long-Term Care...The ADM VlogVerified
4 years agoFAST THOUGHTS: Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy -- Convincing Perfectly Healthy People They're Ill...The ADM VlogVerified
3 years agoFAST THOUGHTS: The auditioning process...from an actor's perspective...The ADM VlogVerified
3 years agoFAST THOUGHTS: You never know when it's going to be real...and quickly...The ADM VlogVerified