Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | "In Men Under The Age Of 40, When They Get A Pfizer Shot, The Risk Of Myocarditis Nearly Doubles After The First Shot, Doubles Again After The Second Shot, And It Goes Up To 8x The Risk Myocarditis If You get A Booster."
Julie Green | How Does God Win In the End? + Mike Lindell Shares His Mission to Save America!!! + Clay Clark's Daughter Havana Clark Interrogates Mike Lindell About Why He Is Willing to Risk It All to Save America NOW!!!
Dr. Stella Immanuel | 282 US Banks At Risk of Failing? What Does Bible Have to Say About Dollar Collapse, Bird Flu, Famines, Pestilences, Rumors of Wars, Iniquity, False Prophets, Worldcoin + 98% of Central Banks Rolling Out CBDCs