2 years agoThe Fallen Idols 💿 Demo CD. Metal/Punk from Muskegon (circa 2002)Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoInfinitia 🖭 777 (Restored Audio). Full Demo tape. Detroit, Michigan Christian BandScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoChris Bennett 🖭 New Material (Restored Audio). Glorious Thunder lead singer. Detroit Christian RockScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoTo Be Announced 🖭 Demo Tape (Restored Audio). Vassar Michigan Rock and PunkScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoThe DBG's 💿 Splitting Headache #1. Full 9-song 1999 CD. Christian Canadian punk w/ Crock Pot OatmealScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoDesiring Dead Flesh 💿 Tribute [Full Album]. Old School Punk, Bay City, Michigan. 2008 CD.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoDeath by Bobcat 💿 Little Jimmy's Yellow Pants [Full CD] Punk from Flint Michigan 2001Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoEntirely Different Different 💿 Drivers EDD CD. Full Album Detroit Christian Rock.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoN*RGY 📼 An N-Soul Video Release (Full 1997 VHS) - 90's Christian Electronic Rock Pop Comp. NRGY.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoNohbdy's Heroes 💿 Inifinity P121 (Restored Audio) 90's Christian Alternative from Kalamazoo MichiganScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoCephas 🖭 Grace (Restored Audio). Full Demo Tape EP. Grand Rapids Hardcore. Michigan ChristianScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoCephas 🖭 Vent (Restored Audio). Full 1995 Demo Tape, Grand Rapids, Michigan Christian Hardcore.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoTotal Hipster Crusher 💿 Liquid Shit Demo CD. Full 8-track Demo CD. Crust from Mt. Plesant Circa 2009Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoSouth Dakota Slim 🖭 Side 1. Demo Tape Master. Punk from Hemlock Michigan.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoRadio Riot 🖭 6 Songs of Shit Demo Tape. Michigan Punk band active late 90's to mid 2000's CassetteScene and Unseen Music Archiving
4 years agoHSBJ Comp: 2. Undecided? (MI Ska) Left Out - Frustration. Ripped Heart Hi Skool Band Jam. 11-19-1999Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoXalt 💿 History (Full CD). Christian Progressive Metal / Hard Rock Holt, Michigan Christian 1991Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoThe Skies Revolt 💿 Early Demo CD. Christian Indie Rock from Grand Rapids (Michigan). Circa 2004/2005Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoFace Value 💿 Live Soundboard Set, Hi Skool Band Jam 1999. Detroit Punk on Bettie Rocket RecordsScene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoDesiring Dead Flesh/Heavy J 💿 Bi-Polar Bear Apocalypse Split CD. Bay City Old School Punk.Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoCrock Pot Oatmeal 💿 Splitting Headache #1. Full 7-song 1999 CD. Christian Michigan punk w/The DBG'sScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoAnah Aevia 💿 Live on the HM stage at Cornerstone 2003 (Audio bootleg). St. Johns, Michigan metalcoreScene and Unseen Music Archiving
3 years agoThe Undecided? 💿 Live Soundboard Hi Skool Band Jam. Oscoda (Michigan) Christian Ska. 11-19-1999Scene and Unseen Music Archiving
2 years agoMornaran 💿 Nameless CD. Alternative Acoustic from Midland, Michigan. Full 4-track album. AltScene and Unseen Music Archiving