1. Baccarat Live - Should I get rid of the "below 40% hit rate bet the opposite"?

    Baccarat Live - Should I get rid of the "below 40% hit rate bet the opposite"?

  2. Baccarat - System FAILED so I started betting every hand with TRUE Pure LCS with no stops or resets

    Baccarat - System FAILED so I started betting every hand with TRUE Pure LCS with no stops or resets

  3. Baccarat Live - 68 units won in 66 minutes with 51.2% hit rate and 27 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 68 units won in 66 minutes with 51.2% hit rate and 27 unit drawdown

  4. Live Baccarat - Loss C/R set to 2 (instead of 1) FAILS. Won only 2 units instead of 15.

    Live Baccarat - Loss C/R set to 2 (instead of 1) FAILS. Won only 2 units instead of 15.

  5. Baccarat Live - But it recovered when I continued playing virtually. Back to the drawing board.

    Baccarat Live - But it recovered when I continued playing virtually. Back to the drawing board.

  6. Live Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdown

    Live Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdown

  7. Baccarat Live - 386 units won in 70 minutes with 44.8% hit rate and 446 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 386 units won in 70 minutes with 44.8% hit rate and 446 unit drawdown

  8. 🔥INSANE ENDING🔥 30 Roll Craps Challenge - WIN BIG or BUST #315

    🔥INSANE ENDING🔥 30 Roll Craps Challenge - WIN BIG or BUST #315

  9. 🔥HUGE ACTION!!🔥 30 Roll Craps Challenge - WIN BIG or BUST #318

    🔥HUGE ACTION!!🔥 30 Roll Craps Challenge - WIN BIG or BUST #318

  10. Live Baccarat - 50 units won in 46 minutes with 59.4% hit rate and ZERO units drawdown

    Live Baccarat - 50 units won in 46 minutes with 59.4% hit rate and ZERO units drawdown

  11. Baccarat - Fibonacci Sequence No Retreat (Not the Fibonacci Betting System) - 20 units, 49.1% HR

    Baccarat - Fibonacci Sequence No Retreat (Not the Fibonacci Betting System) - 20 units, 49.1% HR

  12. Live Baccarat - BEC BER T2s LCSD3 ROG 3L Stop - 33 units in 52 minutes with 57.8% hit rate

    Live Baccarat - BEC BER T2s LCSD3 ROG 3L Stop - 33 units in 52 minutes with 57.8% hit rate
