Magenta Pixie on Roe vs. Wade: The Deeper Agenda! [ An Information Share for the Spiritual Traveller Creating His/Her Timeline Out of Lower Density. Useless to the “Liberal”, “Conservative”, “Religious”, and All Other 3D Institutions. ]
PART 2: Major Dissonance Occurring Amongst “Conservatives” (Label) and the Spiritual (Most of Whose Voting Habits Reflect Conservative)—They Will Soon ALSO Not be Sharing the Same Timeline (And it’s All Okay) + Floating Demon Caught on Film!
Like a Revival of Oprah's 90's "Hay Day" or Something.. "Kamala on the Oprah Show" (9/19/24): Soulless Colored Broads (Tho One Not Black) Trying to Trump Trump! And They Just May. BUT They Won’t Trump Humanity 🔥🔱