1 year ago"A Proverb A Day Keeps the Sins Away" (Proverbs 10 - March 10, 2023)Bible Reading Fellowship
1 year ago"What Does The Bible Say?" Series - Topic: Boujee, Part 4: Proverbs 10Bible Reading Fellowship
1 year agoThe tongue of the wise commends knowledge but the mouth of a fool spouts folly #tazadoctrine#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year ago"A Proverb A Day Keeps the Sins Away" (Proverbs 12 - March 12, 2023)Bible Reading Fellowship
1 year agoOUR COLLEGE DEGREE MEANS NOTHING…. degree (n.) “a step, a stair," also "a position in a hierarchy," ," from Old French (12c.) pace, degree, academic degree; rank, status, position, *degradus "a step, Latin de-"down”RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 years ago11.23.2022 Proverbs 15: The Wise, The Wicked, and The Worthless | Pastor Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
1 year ago"What Does The Bible Say?" Series - Topic: Third Fruit: PEACE, Part 15: James 3:18BibleReadingFellowship