Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Adventure [Darker Than May Be Expected as the Film is Truer to L. Frank Baum's Original Oz Novels] | Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Jean Marsh, Thomas Nicol Williamson.
Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Dark Adventure/Light Horror [Actually TRUER to Creator L. Frank Baum's Oz Novels Than the Beloved Musical Movie of 1939] | Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Jean Marsh, Thomas Nicol Williamson.
Superman (1948) + Atom Man Vs. Superman (1950) [Full Theatre & TV Serials] | The Superman (Kirk Alyn) BEFORE George Reeves Who You THOUGHT Was the First. "Superman" is notable as the first live-action appearance of Superman on film.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic | A 1990 Television Documentary Directed by Jack Haley Jr. (Tin Man's Son), and Hosted by Angela Lansbury. | #85thAnniversary #FantasyFriday
Stranger From Venus (1954 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Helmut Dantine) from Venus here to warn humanity that if they don't eliminate nuclear weapons ALL humanoids of our solar system will not survive.
Blood and Black Lace (1964 Full Movie) | Horror/Crime | Eva Bartok, Cameron Mitchell, Dante Di Paolo. | Summary: A masked man with a metal-claw glove stalks models at a couple's fashion salon in Rome. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Scarlet Street (1945 Full Movie) | Mystery/Noir | Summary: A man in mid-life crisis befriends a young woman, though her fiancé persuades her to con him out of the fortune they mistakenly assume he possesses.