5 months agoHighlights of Our Chicago-St. Louis Speaking/Book Tour with Carol WellsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoBeloved Holy Family: Keys to Fulfilling Your Family MissionThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoThe Hearts Center Honors and Empowers the Creativity and Messengership of all HeartfriendsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoJohn the Beloved and Lady FairGrace: Perfect Love Is Heaven’s Co-Creative Light!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoDictation by the Holy Spirit and the Maha Chohan for Spanish-speaking Heartfriends (Bilingüe)The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
5 months agoLady Kristine Gives Us Contemplations for a Life Lived in GraceThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMastering What Is Without, While Focusing on What Is WithinThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoMother Mary: The Divine Science of Clear Seeing and the Divine Art of Loving-KindnessThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoHow to Win Heavenly Friends and Influence People of Light!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified