3 months agoJonathan Roumie speaks with a lovely interviewer from NewsNation about career and his christian calltoPeople
3 months agoGozen Soydag Christian Counsellor sacked by Catholic High School for promoting traditional valuestoPeople
3 months agoJonathan Roumie interviewed by Bro Bo Sanchez- Full interview-Jonathan opens his heart to filipinostoPeople
3 months agoJonathan Roumie answers at how Season Five the Chosen will be for Jesus- A MUST SEEtoPeople
2 years agoKhloe Kardashian shows her very thin legs in new photos making fans to fear she is not welltoPeople
1 year agoFox News leaks video with Tucker Carlson speaking about pillow fights to the makeup ladytoPeople
9 months agoRamah dies by the hands of Quintus- My reaction and comments to this moment from the Chosen SEASON 4toPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie starts his day with prayers and invites you to start your day this way tootoPeople
3 months agoJonathan Roumie goes to Martha MacCallum podcast speaking about faith,, Hallow app & Chosen Season 5toPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie & Martha Mac Callum do a podcast together speaking about Jonathan life and careertoPeople
4 months agoJonathan Roumie speaks about Father Flanagan and Heart of a Servant to ThIs is the day Catholic tvtoPeople
4 months agoJonathan Roumie speaks about his career plans and movie projects after the Chosen will endtoPeople
1 year agoNick Shakoor aka Zebedee from the Chosen powerful and touching testimony of how he found JesustoPeople
1 year agoAalok Mehta aka Barnaby from The Chosen speaks about his joy of being an actor in the Chosen ShowtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie makes you smile, makes you think and makes you pray- another video to watchtoPeople
1 year agoLara Silva Covino aka Eden from the Chosen -comprehensive collection of pictures,stunningtoPeople