Vintage Camelot: Jordan Maxwell's FIRST EVER Interview with Kerry Cassidy + David Wilcock Visits | "The Takeover of Planet Earth" (2009) — PROJECT CAMELOT 🐆
Humanity’s History and Their Ascension, and The Illuminati: Sacha Stone Gives a Beautiful Presentation and Explanation—After First Ripping into the Toxic “Christians” [Vs. the Original Krystic] | Patriot Streetfighter (4/6/23)
Ashayana Deane—The 3 “Christs”, The Cruci-FICTION, The Creation of The Bible, and More! | (Jeshua 12, Yeshua 9, and Jesus) ✷ Arguably Some of the Most Sophisticated Esoteric and Historical Knowledge to Date
Guys.. F✰cking REALLY!? You Don’t Change Them, YOU DISSOLVE THEM—Creating Your Reality/Choosing Your Timeline. The Need to Reform Old Tech is Equal to the Fool Chaser Who’ll Never Catch the Runner. | The Most Innocent of Tarot Readers RESTRICTED!
World Leaders, Conservatives and Liberals Alike Finally Acknowledge the Illuminati. The Enemy is Within, AND WE —ARE— BEATING THEM. Do NOT Conform to Their False Reality!
They Didn’t Hurt You. They SHOWED You Your Hurt. [Emotion/Thought-Forms That Often Hit You in ‘The Void’—The Interim Between Cycles. Process the False Cynicism as to Not Stay in it Too Long.] "What's Love Got To Do With It?" by Tina
The Law of One Tarot (Archetypes): Space/Time Vs. Time/Space, Past Life Trauma and Passed-Down DNA (Sometimes Passed-Down Disease), Cause & Effect, and More!