They don’t want to even hear the pornographic shit they are putting in their schools. They are disgusting people, high on power and the corruption of children.
You can't make this shit up. Biden's Press Sec lies to the American people with a straight face: "We have seen, now to be clear, we have seen grocery prices come down over the past year or more."
You can't make this shit up. Biden: "I'm not able to go out in the crowds anymore. The Secret Service doesn't let me." Reporter: "Why not?" Biden: "They say it's too dangerous. No one gets to go out."
You can't make this shit up: MSNBC claims that Biden's appearance in the briefing room is so amazing & rare, only Obama did that, and the American flag has never ever been in the room before & only there because of Biden.
TRUMP to WEF: I've just Cancelled All Your Woke Agendas, also Sending Your Shit Hollers Back to You. Now, you may go home and Eat “Dzze” Bugs and Be Happy. P.S. In USA we Eat Steaks.
Biden 2020 to a Detroit plant worker confronting him on gun confiscation: "You're full of shit... I'm not working for you! Give me a break! Don't be such a horse's ass!"