Democrat Maxine Waters: "I'm very concerned about my safety, members of Congress, people of color, about thousands, maybe millions of people because of Donald Trump and his desire to wreak revenge on anything and everybody."
Dem Raskin on how Dems can steal 2024 election from Trump if he wins: "It's going to be up to us on Jan 6 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified & then we need bodyguards for everybody in Civil War."
Biden Clown Show: "Who do I call on next? Hang on a second. I got my list here... why don't everybody holler at once?.. elect me, I'm in the 20th Century... there is no ban to Japan!"
Biden Clown Show: "I'm supposedly an expert on foreign policy... We're fundamentally changing the economy of this country and everybody's getting a little worried about it."
You can't make this shit up. Black barber in 2019: "You should write laws specifically for black people. Don't group us in with everybody else." Lawmaker Kamala, nodding: "That's right."
Kash Patel | The Ka$h Patel Theme Song, Because Everybody Needs a Theme Song!!! Join Kash Patel, Eric Trump, General Flynn, Devin Nunes, Peter Navarro, Lara Trump, Amanda Grace, & Team America May 12th & 13th In Miami, FL (22 Tickets Remain)