REVERSE DAVOS | Jeffrey Prather | Will We See the Implementation of The Great Reset or God’s Reset? Are We Witnessing the Great Reset, the Great ReAwakening or Both?
Perché il traffico navale mondiale è in crisi?Cosa sono i choke point? DOCUMENTARIO per fare il GRANDE RESET ECONOMICO MONDIALE appunto detto da Klaus Schwab del World Economic Forum nel 2020 è programmato da tempo
I burattini e il burattinaio dei palcoscenici politici,religiosi,imprenditoriali,sportivi,giornalistici ed economici mondiali etc,basta vedere il burattinaio che ci si fa subito un'idea di chi siano schiavi i burattini e quale sia il culto massonico
Dr. Michael Huang was a brave physician in California who treated "vaccine"-injured patients and wrote "vaccine" exemptions. This is the CA medical system at work. No mainstream doctors will speak out in support.
“We found $4.5B worth of payments from the US Agency for International Development to pay off Ukraine’s sovereign debt. Much of which is owned by the global investment firm BlackRock.”
Transgenderism; “This is the worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced” Very interesting insight on parents that have transitioned their kids…
AI And Useless Eaters - Yuval Noah Harari Klaus Schwab and The World Economic Forum's right hand man Yuval Noah Harari. The rise of the 4th industrial revolution. "The useless class"