Lightworkers, Discontinue Your Aim to “Teach”, “Help”, or “Convert” Anyone, for it’s the Destruction of Your Peace and You Can be Promised You’ll Help No One! You Can, However, Do This…. | #BEtheFrequency Explained!
Bank Accounts Under Attack Worldwide — If it’s Not COLD HARD CASH it’s Still Digital | If You're Going to Do Anything Start Quietly While You Can [Bit by Bit] Not All at Once!
Metropolis — 1927 Groundbreaking Silent Film: A Sci-Fi Masterpiece by Fritz Lang Which Inspired and Influenced Visuals in Film From Then Forever on (Predictive, Filled w/ Esoteric Imagery) | Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel.
When Time and Space First Began, What Our Connection to it is, Dimensions 1-9, The Trinity, and Your Purpose Vs. the Purpose of Beings in Other Dimensions. | Matías DeStefano
Happy Ishtar! 🐣🐇🌿 Ishtar (Easter)/Inanna/Nanna: Annunaki “Goddess” of [Sex 🐇], [Fertility 🐣], and [WAR/POWER 💪🏽]. — These are Not Figures to Hate NOR Worship. They’re JUST Archetypes. You May Even See Bits of Yourself in Them.
LEO ♌️ February 2023 — A SHOCKING PROPOSAL! BUT PREPARE TO BE TESTED (SOMETHING TO DO WITH SELF-DECEIT/TRUTH TO SELF). –333– I Struggled Through Some of the Energies of This Reading.
WATER SIGNS: Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces 💧 The Next 3 Months (Oct, Nov, Dec) — You May Have Met Your Soulmate, But it’s These Poisons Keeping You in Limbo. Upcoming Deep Shadow-Work Will Reconcile This. Major Processing and Integration Needed!
Fake News, or Actually Real? I Mean, Even if Real, What Person Asks a Young Adult ‘Why Your Dad, is Your Dad Your Superhero?’ That Infantile Babying Question Will Make Most Laugh—When the Truth is Over 50% Probably Can’t Wait to Escape Them!
Putin and Xi on Hot Mic—Evidence of BOTH Working with the White Hats? Possibly so! Normie Conservatives and Some Libs are Terrified. And if This Video DOES Represent the Worst—Sovereign Transcending Souls be not Afraid! #StarseedPrivilege
RFK Jr. Speaks on the World Economic Forum and Climate Change (During Kim Iverson Interview) + the Mainstream Work Fast to Deny, Reject, and Create a Mass Public Perception of Him!