Sacha Stone & Bibi Bacchus: STRAWMAN | Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.. You Know All About it, But Sacha Stone Wants to Talk About it More. You’ll Learn New Things!..
Every Now and Then Alex Jones Has One of Those Interviews That [Transcends] the Christian Conservative NPC Audience — This is One of Them! For the 2nd Day in a Row it’s the “Q Shaman” on InfoWars (8/5/23).
“Eww, You’re EXACTLY Like The Annunaki!” | Clarifying the Purpose of Your Connection to the Annunaki in Comparison to More Emotionally Balanced Higher Realm Beings Such as The Arcturians, Andromedans, or Sirians…
OBAMA EXPOSÉ WATCH PARTY: Luke Rudkowski and Larry Sinclair Watch the Tucker Carlson Interview LIVE, Then Luke Interviews Larry Himself (WILD, RAW & UNCENSORED).
The "January 6" Debate: Alex Jones, Glenn Greenwald, and Darren J. Beattie —VS— "Destiny", and the Krassenstein Brothers of ZeroHedge! (J6 Anniversary) | WE in 5D: Why Alex Chose to Cast Pearls to Swine is Beyond Me, BUT Bless Him!
Scott McKay Interviews Patrick Byrne — The Man Who Gave Trump His Options [Including (the Declined) Military Intervention] Post Stolen Election 2020! | Patriot Streetfighter (8/25/23)
This is NOT Being Shared as a Fan, But as a Display of the Falling Apart of a Scanty, Deceptive, and Pure Desperate Fantasy Narrative as Much Sham as the NWO's! | Kerry Cassidy, Patriot Underground, and Janine of “Turn The Page”.