New Zealand Intelligence booklets have been released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing government policies, including COVID measures, they should be reported as they are a terrorist.
Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter.
Edmonton Freedom Rally To Raise awareness about Agenda 2030 and encourage individuals to take action against the goals of Agenda 2030, including the 15-minute city concept.
Jimmy Dore goes nuclear on the Military-Industrial Complex: The Look On Tucker Carlson's Face 🤣 - There Will Be No More Funding For Fox After This One!
“I’m a 48 year old man, multiple blood clots in my lungs, ventricular tachycardia, wide spread vascular neuropathy, I require care takers to wash me, and cook for me. Before your vaccine, I had a successful career, I was healthy.
The Vaccine Spreaders of Misinformation: Bill Gates, Fauci & Company Deserve to Be Laughed At If you want to help wake some people up, please share to help this go viral. the quicker the public sees these people as clowns, not experts!
The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators - T H E . J O H N S H O P K I N S . C E N T E R . FOR . H E A L T H . S E C U R I T Y