Abraham Hicks—What if Nothing in Life is Worth Appreciating? THEN WHAT? This is How You Start Positive Vibrational Momentum "Even if... (Insert Your Sob Story Here)."
“WHAT IS A WOMAN?” + Masculine/Feminine Archetypes (AKA DM/DF), Supporting the Military Vs. Blind Support, and Other Issues! — FASCINATING Round Table Discussion with Kerry Cassidy, Laura Eisenhower, and More!
TRUTH OR DECEPTION AND HOPEUM? “At What Point Are The White Hats The Black Hats?” — PROJECT CAMELOT 🐆 [WE in 5D: “Work on Your F✰cking Ascension and Let it Be!” More Said in Description Below ⬇️]
The Gibson Girls | PORN | Why is porn so prevalent in the church and conservatives? Why is this ignored? What is the impact on WOMAN and CHILDREN? What does Porn do to the brain?
Abraham Hicks—When You DROP DEAD You’ll Have EVERYTHING You’ve Been Trying to Reach and Become, BUT You Don’t Need to Croak to Achieve Everything You Want! And YET No One is Suggesting You Should Never Experience Negativity. What Does This Mean?
What is the Highest Income Tax Any American Should Have to Pay?—If We Held Legitimate Elections and Lived in Integrity Reflecting 5D This Would Have Been Your Ego-Checked President, But We're Not Done w/ Our Own Ego So the Best Reflection is Trump!