This is the Holocaust applied to 8 billion people Dr. Bryan Ardis; it’s so far out of our reach to think men could be that evil, orchestrating mass amounts of death in order to achieve their agenda
For the weekend of October 14th, the registered number of deaths in the UK was 14.9% above the five-year average. "Now, why isn't this being talked about?" asked Dr. John Campbell.
Alibaba's J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about developing an "individual carbon footprint tracker" to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel.
Satan’s speech , talking about how great it is that so many people got the death shot, talking about “faith in science”, delivering with zero emotion, everyone is “in this together”, and his paid minions squealing with excitement for their jabs.
Extreme new Australian legislation introduced in WA which allows for unspecified “officers” to break into your home without a warrant, force people into a quarantine facility of their choosing, and keep people there indefinitely.....