Anointed Monumental Work "Pentecostals Arise, Come Forth!" Day of Pentecost (Shavuot) - Prophecy Excerpts 77, 141, 136, 103, 128, 114, 122 It's Harvest Time
Prophecy 65 Excerpts YAH SAYS "Cleanse Your Body" Pray Over All Food & Drink. The Torah is the Entire Bible, study more than Greek. Protection during the Fiery Trial (mirrored)
Prophecy 63 - Oh Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? BELOVED YAH ALMIGHTY SAYS "YAHUSHUA is that Temple. YAHUSHUA is the only Blood Sacrifice I will accept." (mirrored)
Prophecy 123 Devastation Is Coming! Devastation Is Here! Chain Reactions Storms/Tsunamis/Quakes, ect. YAH SAYS "For I AM in the storms!" "MY Holy angels work overtime!" Miracles & Protection! mirrored
Zombie & Clone Reality! Being an Overcomer in Great Tribulation! Carnal weapons useless & more. YAH'S Instructions in Prophecy 47 given in 2001 (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 73 Excerpts - A Fake Rapture Coming! DEW'S REALITY. Project Blue Beam Deception a coming dark jesus, a counterfeit of the True JESUS/YAHUSHUA of the Bible
Amightywind Prophecy 11 - Rise Up, Speak Up, Tell The Devil To Shut Up, In MY Name! "Would they not have accused Peter who walked on the water suicidal? Delusions of grandeur."
Amightywind Prophecy 69 - “There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards!” Very Indepth - satan boasts how he can Clone/man says he's god/holy replaced by evil ones/faith in Science & more (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 120 - Don’t Give Up! Do Not Quit! Sukkot Restoration Prophecy to Hebrew Translator, Messianic Jews & All Believers! "MY Blood drenches the soil in Israel. Just one drop is all it takes to wash the sins away."
Amightywind Prophecy 10 - Take Back What satan Has Stolen! "your riches are the mighty prayer warriors that protect and support you with their prayers, your riches are being able to hear MY voice clearly..
Amightywind Prophecy 10 - Take Back What satan Has Stolen! "MY beloved and go forward and have victory in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name. Alpha & Omega AlmightyWind Holy Ghost Fire Ministries."
Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! "I could even give your names but I will not allow the enemy to know your names. And words to the wise, to the Hebrew translators, do not use your true name."
Amightywind Prophecy 67 - "I, YAHUVEH, will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction." "in showers like you have never seen." "As stated in the book of Revelation." (mirrorred)