If You Learn Only One Lesson in 2022 Let it be This—So You Can Complete [Your Biggest Transformation] by the End of the Year! THIS. IS. THE. YEAR. YOUR YEAR‼️ #SuperShorts
Full Moon in Capricorn 🌕 7/13/2022 🌟 The Sirius SuperMoon 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading [L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE—PREVIEW ONLY!] (For ALL Locals Members as well as Supporters)
POWERFUL SHOW—Police in the U.S. Who Are "Just Doing Their Job" AKA Nazis (Actually TOO MANY of Them), Conservative Shows OWNED by the Illuminati (the Ones That Say "Vote Harder" and Nothing of Election Fraud), and Taking Back AZ!
SAGITTARIUS ♐️ May 2023 Forecast — You Really Worked Hard to Get to This Point! CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Only Thing Missing is Love… (Well, Whatta Ya Know.. "Hearts and Rainbows" fah You, Sadge!)
WOW‼️ Is This Sarah Elkhaldy or Alex Jones? Alex Seems to No Longer Reserve His Knowledge for Just Outside and Non-Core Audiences, as He Diverts From Speech Which One Might’ve Normally Associated Him Much More with!