Conquering 2024! Topics Include: This is the Year of Reconning, The Adventure We Signed Up For, Dealing with Heavy and Habitual Emotions, Fear Won't Be the Master-Teacher Forever, How Suicide is Facilitated by Higher-Self if it's Time, and More!
What Getting Cheated on Reflects About You [Your Vibration] (Law of Attraction). How May Have You Cheated on You?.. and Then it Was Reflected. | Bryan Mac Garry with a True Story
The Pathway to Freedom From the Illuminati's [Agenda 2030] End-Goal! NOTE: You Don't Have Til 2030 to Reject the Agenda—MANYYY Terrors are Slated for NOW by Them to Reach the 2030 Goal, So Rejection BEGINS NOW, and Really Should Have Ages Ago!