China | Nvidia Chips Used to Power Advanced Artificial Intelligence Are Finding Their Way to the Chinese Military Despite U.S. Blockade With Epoch Times Investigative Journalist Nathan Su + Gold Hits $2,500 Per Ounce!!!
Yuval Noah Harari | "You, Have Now Sold 65 Million Books. It's a Remarkable Situation." - Squawk Box | "A.I. Is a Not a Tool In Our Hands. It Is An Agent. It Has a Potential to Change Every Area, Finance, Military, Religion." - 9/
💣💥 Pfizer, Bioweapons and US Pathogen Experiments Exposed by the Russian Military. Russian General Credits Project Veritas, Karen Kingston and the Stew Peters Show For Their Work on Exposing Pfizer
Chinese Invasion | "Chinese Nationals Buying Farmland & It's Around U.S. Military Installations. It's Really Concerning & When You Look At What's Happening At Those Military Installations That They Have Land Around, It's V