Rashid Buttar | Doctor Rashid Buttar Was Right! + Dr. Buttar's Final Message | Rest In Peace Doctor Rashid Buttar (1966-2023) | CNN's Drew Griffin, 'I’m vaccinated. You think there is a ticking time bomb in me and I’m going to die?"
Two Navy pilots shot down over Red Sea in friendly fire incident /ADL’s Attempt for Summary Judgment Fails in $25M Defamation Suit Brought by Disabled Navy Veteran/Capital Hill’s Personal Pharmacist Admits Alzheimer’s Drugs Are Being Delivered To Me
Incoming Border Czar Suggests Criminal Aliens ‘Self Deport’/‘We Know Who You Are/Democrats Now Facing Charges They Are the Ones Trying to Destroy Democracy/Governor Mike Huckabee is New U.S. Ambassador to Israel/ Fauci Received a $15 Million Taxpaye