Dr. Stella Immanuel & Dr. Rashid Buttar | Are We Living Through Revelation Chapter 6? | The Connection Between Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, The World Economic Forum, COVID-19, JFK, Forced Vaccinations, The Great Reset & the Fourth I
Israel | The Biblical Significance of War In Israel | It's All Unfolding Like th Bible Said It Would!!! Zechariah 12, Luke 21 Matthew 24, Mark 13, Gog, Magog, United Nations, One World Gov, Mark of the Beast, China, Russia, Palestine, etc.
Peter Navarro | "It Was My Faith That Sustained Me. Just Before I Went In a Very Good Friend of Mine (Clay Clark) Said Blessed Are the Persecuted for Righteousness for They Shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:10
As In the Days of Noah | "But As the Days of Noah Were, So Shall the Coming of the Son of Man Be." - Matthew 24:37 | What Was It Like In the Day of Noah? 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now?
Mel Gibson | Mel Gibson to Release 4-Part Documentary Exposing $34 Billion Child-Trafficking Industry | "It's a Very Strange Place, Hollyweird. No Matter How Strong You Are, You're Going to Be Affected By This Place (Hollywood)"