(CENSORED!) US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him.
(COMCAST CENSORED)! US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!
(COMCAST CENSORED)! US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!
DeSantis: “The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they all of a sudden go berserk and they’re so upset this is happening…”