Abraham Hicks—The Good Thing About Negative Emotions! + Brian Johnson Reads an Excerpt by Esther Hicks (Who Channels Abraham) About Your Emotional Guidance System [From the Book “A Philosopher’s Notes”].
RFK Jr. at 35% in Rasmussen Poll—The Same Poll That Got it Right for Trump in Both Their 2016 and 2020 General Elections Polls (Possibly More Evidence of 2020’s Steal).
Media and Homeland Security Warn “Right-Wing Extremists” Plan to Attack Power Grid. | Alex Jones: If We Lose the Information War, in Essence We’ve Failed—OF COURSE WE’LL WIN the Physical War, But if We get There You’ll Wish You Did a Lot More!
Messages FOR ALL From Various Recent WE in 5D Readings: The New Self-Replicating VACCINE, New York’s SINISTER ConEd Power Plant Explosion, Timelines, What This Age of Aquarius Requires of You, and WHY the Universe is Happening FOR YOU Not to You!
Abraham Hicks—How to Approach Your Medium with Your Questions! Do Not Get Lost in “Tell Me What I Need to Know.” Instead Say: “THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW.” | Note: Due to Usually Weak Subconscious Minds Abraham DOES NOT Recommend Ouija!
REALLY be 'Cool', Stay Unconditionally Loving, and Release Shortage Consciousness! 'Yours' Will Show Up. | Abraham Hicks—How Esther & Jerry Hicks [Almost] Met… #Shorts P.S. Get Off That Stupid User Group Online!
The Knights Templar Protocols/Rituals for Shaping Reality with Your Mind! — Quazi Johir | The Knights Templar: One of the Origins of Freemasonry, and Eventually the Infiltrating Illuminati (Illuminized-Freemasonry).