Black Mirror | Lara Logan | What In the BLACK MIRROR Is Going On? What’s Up with Disney Movies? What’s Going on w/ Big Tech & Big Government? What’s Going On w/ BRICS & CBDCs? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi & Schwab All Agree?
Jim Caviezel | Jim Caviezel Drop Truth Bombs About: Central Banks, George Soros, Adrenochrome, Mel Gibson's Involvement In Editing His New Film "Sound of Freedom", Child-Trafficking, Biden's Presidency, The Rothschilds, Etc.
General Flynn | "Yuval Noah Harari Is So Enamored w/ Adolf Hitler. Hitler Exterminated 11 Million Jews. Stalin Killed Over 60 Million. This Guy Is Enamored By Those 2!!!" Why Is WEF Member Yaccarino the New CEO of Twitter? Durham Report Released
Dollar Collapse | "THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST SHOCK IN THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM SINCE 1971!...August 22nd 2023" - Jim Rickards + "BRICS to Introduce a New GOLD-Backed Currency In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar."
De-Dollarization | "The Russians Said the New Currency Is Going to Be Gold-Backed." - Steven Bannon (7/8/23) + "The BRICS Group Is Set to Introduce a New Currency Backed By Gold In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar." - (7/3/23)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Quant.Network CEO Gilbert Verdian Explains How CBDCs Will Work: "The Current Form of Money That We Have Today Is Obsolete. Money Is Evolving to a Very Complicated Intelligent Form of Money We Call Smart Money."
Michael Yeadon | "We're In the Middle of the Biggest Crime In History, And Will Involve Killing Millions, If Not Billions of People. It is Long Planned." - Michael Yeadon (Scientific Researcher And a Vice President At Pfizer)