3 years agoFlorida's nieuwe chirurg generalist is een verademing... Een man die durft zeggen waar we staan.BewusteBurgers
2 years agoI found these termite tubes in the bathroom wall after I removed our flooring. #youtubeshortsHome Inspector Dan
2 years agoWhen the YouTube flashlight review intro goes terribly bad #youtubeshortsHome Inspector Dan
1 year agoFrom Michigan to Alaska and back again with Doug Hill of The Sports Fan ProjectThe James Brown Program
1 year agoTermination & Layoffs #hr #hrgeneralist #humanresources #humanresourcemanagement #hrtraining #hrmanilhrd4
2 years agoTermites are pretty common for me to find at a home inspection in Arizona #homeinspectordanHome Inspector Dan
2 years agoGOOD MORNING MULTIVERSE: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror News — August 13, 2022SciFi4Me TV