Kanye (End-Time) Ritual, Dark Side of the System Fallen? Sunshine=Jessie's Ritual Name + Marilyn Manson, Kim Kardashian, Immolation + The Phoenix Position, The Great Apostasy, False Christs vs Anti-Christ, The Light Side Will Raise Up the Anti-Christ
Katy Perry Wide Awake Video Decode, Altered States, Demonic Spirits Guard the Door Out, Socks, Waking Up + Chesire Cat, Fear-Charm, Unicorns, Sex Magick
Sisters of Light Protect the System Itself, Supernatural Spiritual Warfare + Protector Assassins, 6 Departments Run by the Head Protector, Werewolves and Vampires are 2 of them + Protector Battles, Training Partner vs Police Chief and Magick Healing
Eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and You Will Die + The Narcissistic Society, Sacrifice, Convenience vs Moral Character + The True Power of God, A Miraculous Healing
Adrenochrome A Explained, Grade A and Also Blood Types + Adrenal and Pineal Glands Tapped Like a Maple Tree, Old-Fashioned Procuring + Different Levels of Iron, Different Flavor
Katy Perry Bon Appetit Music Video Decode, Cannibalism, Human Beings Wrapped in Plastic Like Meat in a Supermarket, Cannibalism Restaurants, Ritual of Being in a Pot with Vegetables + Spirit Cooking + Sexual Lyrics, Cutting Braids
Jessie's Father Was Not in the System, Even Though There's a Bloodline Connection + Jessie's Mother Went Through the Program, She Was Broken and then Endured Many Years of Gaslighting on Top of That i.e. Saying She Must Have Imagined it all
Why Obama Chose Biden as Vice President, The Core Cell Group, Brotherhood Members Vow to Protect Those in Their Circle and Keep Their Secrets + The Friendship Bracelets, A Signal to Keep the Secret, Signal Not Just to Each Other but to All LB Members
Katy Perry Wide Awake Video Decode, Prince Charming, If Fear Doesn't Work Then Charm Them Back In + Maze Again, Name Change Back to Kathryn, Now She's a Temptress, Candy Girl, Not a Cry for Help