NOW IT COMES OUT: One of Multiple Men Who Met with Trump After the Stolen Election Reveals Why the Military Didn’t Come and Save You! So Much for Trusting the “Q”uantum A.I. Plan. #RealityCheck.. + What’s to Come in the Latest Trump Indictment.
Dr Jana Schmidt | "Compared To Those Who Didn't Eat Mushrooms, Those Who Ate Them 3x A Week, Their Immune Was 75% More Effective Than The Ones That Didn't."
What Really Happened in the White House That Jack Smith Has Indicted Trump Over (Oval Office Eyewitness) | Patrick Byrne Reveals Why the Military Didn’t Come in to Save You! #ThePlan👎🏽 #HeChooseNotTo #HesTheBestAndItWasntEnoughCuzGodNeedsYOUtoDoIt