4 years agoAUDIO E43 Paramotor Tips and Tricks Guest Larry Korell - ppg zone paramotor podcastPPGGrandpa
4 years agoE30 PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast with Brandon Ruetsche - PPG Zone paramotor podcastPPGGrandpa
3 years agoE56 SIV clinics with Bart Berry, Aaron Savka, Brook Sheffield, Nevada and PPG ShanePPGGrandpa
4 years agoE35 - Talking about all the FLY INs going on! PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast - PPGZonePPGGrandpa
4 years agoE37 building homemade paramotors and self training with chris mineburg - PPG Zone paramotor podcastPPGGrandpa