PART 2: Major Dissonance Occurring Amongst “Conservatives” (Label) and the Spiritual (Most of Whose Voting Habits Reflect Conservative)—They Will Soon ALSO Not be Sharing the Same Timeline (And it’s All Okay) + Floating Demon Caught on Film!
Guys.. F✰cking REALLY!? You Don’t Change Them, YOU DISSOLVE THEM—Creating Your Reality/Choosing Your Timeline. The Need to Reform Old Tech is Equal to the Fool Chaser Who’ll Never Catch the Runner. | The Most Innocent of Tarot Readers RESTRICTED!
UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape (1997) + 2017 Update with the Documentary's Creator, Robert Kiviat, Going to the Roswell of Puerto Rico to Investigate USO's [Unidentified Submerged(Water) Objects].