Mikovits | Dr. Mikovits | April 8th 2024 | Will It Be Nothing Burger? 47 Facts Including: Solar Eclipse, NASA "Serpent Deity," CERN Restarts, Billions of Cicidas? Red Heifers In Israel? National Guard? + Worldwide Masonic Rituals
Solar Eclipse | 91 April 8th 2024 Facts: Why Are SNL & Fox Discussing Eclipse Earthquake On April 8th? Red Heifers Ready? NASA's Serpent Deity Mission, CERN, A.I., Devil Comet, Hamas, Israel, Aleister Crowley, Demon Particle, Etc.
April 8th 2024 | What's Going On?!! The April 8th Eclipse, CERN April 8th, 322, Moscow Attack, Obama, ISIS, CIA, CBDCs, Diddy, Resurrection of Jesus Christ & Why Are Pastors Preying On America?! w/ Jason Bermas & Pastor Benjamin
Toward Interdisciplinary Synergies in Molecular Communications: Perspectives from Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, Communications Engineering - Government funded by NextGenerationEU from the European Union and the ERC Horizons
Geneva, Switzerland | Why Is CERN, the WHO, the WEF, GAVI & the U.N. Located In Geneva? "Everything In the World Related to Democide Is Located In Geneva." - Pascal Najadi (Son of WEF Co-Founder) | Rev 2:13
666 | NERO | Is SATAN'S BEAST SYSTEM Being Introduced NOW? Are the Globalists Trying to Reintroduce the NERO'S Roman Empire? What Does Revelation 17:11 Mean? + AI, CERN, CBDCs & The Mark of the Beast