1 month ago[Dec 17, 2024] The Borderline Podcast Investigates: Ep1 - Investigating the Flat Earth Theory with FlatEarthDaveFlat Earth Dave Interviews
30 days ago[Oct 27, 2024] Is the Earth Really Flat? David Weiss Explains the Plane Truth Behind Flat Earth Theory [Codega's Codex of Curiosities]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
1 month ago[Dec 9, 2024] Int 940 with David Weiss known as Flat Earth Dave [The Missing Link Live]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
30 days ago[Dec 22, 2024] The Failed Experiment Exposed Flat Earth [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
15 days ago[Oct 12, 2024] Curved Horizon on Flat Earth - Flat Earther Goes Wild - David Nino Rodriguez [DITRH]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
15 days ago[Sep 24, 2024] The World Of Big Ideas w Mark Kovic - Flat Earth Dave [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
15 days ago[Aug 27, 2024] #101 Unraveling Flat Earth Theory | David Weiss [New Age Human]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
10 days ago[Oct 25, 2024] The Advisor with Stacey Chillemi w Flat Earth Dave [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
1 month ago[Nov 23, 2024] Origins Untold Watch Party with David Weiss, Josh Keefe, Otto Vazquez, and MORE [Fesiuk Films]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
1 month ago[Nov 25, 2024] Questioning Reality: Flat Earth, Cosmic Mysteries, and Critical Thinking with Flat Earth Dave [Big Performance Podcast]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
13 days ago[TonySlackShot] Viva La Dissidents Ep03 - Flat Earth Dave Weiss [May 24, 2023]DITRH Interviews
10 days ago[Fesiuk Films] ORIGINS UNTOLD: Ancient Cosmology | DITRH "Dave Weiss" - Official Clip @DITRH [Jun 2, 2023]DITRH Interviews
21 days ago[Hibbeler Productions] Episode #11 - with David Weiss (PREVIEW) [May 8, 2023]DITRH Interviews