Biden Clown Show: "Not a joke.. you think I'm kidding.. holy mackerel.. when I got in a plane & went to South Korea, they said, what the heck are you doing Joe?.. Violent crime rates are falling all across the nation..."
Biden Clown Show: "Including Black & Latina, brown & Asian American, Native Americans, H-Pacific Islanders, LGBTQ survivors... I wrote the violence (gibberish) with my own paw... not a joke." Kamala cackles.
Biden ice-cream social Clown Show: "Billionaires' tax rate is 8.3%. We made them pay only 23%. So they're not paying 15%. I'm not joking. A lot of people still struggling since we ended the pandemic, since I ended the pandemic..."
Biden responds to President Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery with many of the Gold Star families: "I don't want to answer because I might tell you what I think."
You can't make this shit up. Biden's Press Sec lies to the American people with a straight face: "We have seen, now to be clear, we have seen grocery prices come down over the past year or more."
Biden Clown Show: "My theology professor had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers... Liz Shuler — president of ayeeffffellseeyuhh!.. I've gone around the world literally meeting with the leading architects of AI!"
Biden Clown Propaganda-Lies-Nonsense Show: "Mortgage rates are falling and they're gonna fall more.. 440 new jobs since I came into office.. How many of you spent time in McDonald parking lots to do the homework..."
It’s almost impressive how shameless Kamala lies about Biden & her capping the price of insulin at $35 per month for seniors when the fact is President Trump actually got it done.
Biden gets booed in Lake Tahoe, calls Trump "handsome guy," mumbles about funding for a new vaccine, blames Republicans for not talking about his accomplishments...