Married Pastor Charged w/ Sex Crimes involving a Man that is Mentally Disabled. 🕎 THE MOST HIGH YAHAWAH IS NOT DEALING WITH 501C3 RELIGIOUS RELIGION INSTITUTIONS CHURCHES!!“FRENCH CHURCH ABUSE: 216,000 CHILDREN WERE VICTIMS. Philippians 2:1 KJV
PASSPORT BROS BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MEN OVER IN THAILAND WORSHIPPING FALSE Thai gods & IDOLS OF THE HEATHEN NATIONS!!🕎Psalms 115;1-13 & 1 Kings 18:21 “Elijah came unto all the people & said, How long halt ye between two opinions”
REALLY Dr. Brown, YOU HAVE GENETIC PROOF THAT YOU ARE THE ISRAELITES?? ESAU EDOM IS CARNAL, 700 AD THEY CONVERTED TO JUDAISM….YOU ARE NOT THE PEOPLE, IMPOSTERS!!🕎 Numbers 23;7-12 & Psalms 83;1-8 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people,