Project Looking Glass, Free Energy, Interdimensional Beings, Recruitment and Attacks, The Cosmic Hoax, and More! | Dr. Steven Greer Interviewed by Alex Jones
Classified Alien Encounters, Elite-Hoarded and Hidden Technologies for a COMPLETELY FREE 5D New Earth, and More! | Dr. Steven Green Interviewed by Patrick Bet-David
OFFICIAL: Trump Chose J.D. Vance for Vice President at the Last-Minute—AFTER Nearly Begging RFK Jr. This Morning First! Generally Safe Choice; POOR CHOICE OVER ALL. | After the “Q”uantum A.I. Suggested RFK Jr., RFK’s Free Will Didn't Agree!
WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!! Trump Administration TALKING UF0 [ZER0 P0INT ETHREC ENERGY]; 'We Have UFO Technology That Enables FREE ENERGY' Says Govt. Whistleblowers! - Redacted News