2 years agoThe Ukrainian media are actively distributing more fake video footage...Awake MediaVerified
2 years agoThe Ukrainian sniper hunted 5 Russian soldiers even at night with 5 accurate shotsRumor has itVerified
2 years agoUkrainian Sniper Eliminates Russian Soldier | Ukraine War | Combat Footage | Sniper ReviewsSean_Odinson
1 year ago“524 Russian Troops Killed, 76 mine" | Ukraine "Ghost" Sniper Commander Reveals Bakhmut Kill Countshashiranjandutta
1 year agoCovering a Ukrainian armored group with artillery somewhere in the vast expanses.Rumor has itVerified
2 years agoA doctor from a hospital in Mariupol says Ukrainian snipers shot at and shelled civiliansRussia Intel
2 years agoI wondered if there was a fair confrontation with someone who has nothing to answer to you UkrainNewByPicture
2 years agoCRAZY Russian Assault on Ukrainian Trenches | Ukraine War | Combat Footage | Sniper ReviewsSean_Odinson
11 months agoUkrainian Sniper Spots Russian Soldier with an Anti-Thermal Imaging PanchoReflections of A War