—5 SIGNS— The Universe is TESTING You Before Your Manifestation Arrives! (It’s Really You + Your Higher-Self Which Altogether are Actually Just YOU. The Universe/Source/“God” Does Not Test nor Judge, But YOU Often Will Test for This Purpose).
World Economic Forum Leaders Meet to Transform Global Food Supply and Governments | Honeybee Population at Further Risk with mRNA Vaccines | Dr. Sherwood
FBI Whistleblower's Cybersecurity Firm Uncovers CCP Data Harvesting Operation | Dieticians are Being Paid to Promote Ultra-Processed Foods | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Nate Cain
China and the Marijuana Industry are Funding the Pro-Hamas Protestors in the U.S. | The Surveillence State is Strengthened by Willing Participants in AI | Hamas Calls for Gazan Blood and Killing of IDF Enabled Evacuees | Cyrus Nooriala, Col (Ret) John Mil