2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food - Batch 9 - Apples, Frozen, Granny SmithSchoolReportsVerified
2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food - Batch 30 - Scalloped PotatoesSchoolReportsVerified
1 year agoFreeze Dryer Door Seal Insulation - Adding This To My Sister's MachineSchoolReportsVerified
2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food - Batch 27 - Apricots, CannedSchoolReportsVerified
2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food - Batch 31 - Ham, Slices & CubesSchoolReportsVerified
2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs - Batch 47 - Dry Oatmeal with Fruit, Part 1 of 2 (with rehydrating)SchoolReportsVerified
2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food - Batch 49 - Milk, Tomato, Meatballs, Beef, Nacho SauceSchoolReportsVerified
2 years agoFreeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food Batch 50 Rice, Chili, Pulled Pork, Scalloped PotatoesSchoolReportsVerified
1 year agoPicking Apples, for Freeze drying, at our Local U-Pick Orchard 9-23-2023SchoolReportsVerified
1 year agoFreeze Drying More Sliced Peaches - Batch 639 - Sliced using a Spam SlicerSchoolReportsVerified
1 year agoFreeze Drying a Double Batch, 641 and J88 - Sliced Peaches - Last Peaches of the Season!SchoolReportsVerified
1 year agoFreeze Drying Apples Cubes - Batch 89 in my Sister's Machine & Batch 642 in My Machine - Part 1SchoolReportsVerified