3 months agoAether Round Table 60: The Optical & Physical Geometric Equivalence of Earth CurvatureSpace Audits
6 months agoAether Round Table 48: Battle of the Beams - Geometric Proof the Earth is Not a SphereSpace Audits
4 months agoOpen Discussion on Ether, Relativity, and Interferometry hosted by @EarthAwakeningsSpace Audits
3 months agoAether Cosmology - Twitter Spaces - Discussing Aether Wind, BYOF (Bring Your Own Flute)Space Audits
11 months agoAether Round Table #25: Eclipses & Unwinding the Sky Clock by @shanestpierreSpace Audits
1 year agoDiscussing Newton's Bucket and the Distinction Between Kinematics and Dynamics @aethercosmologySpace Audits
4 months agoAether Round Table 54: Relativity and the History of Time Dilation and the Twin Paradox bySpace Audits
2 months agoAiry's Zenith Measurements Through a Refractive Medium and How it Affects Stellar AberrationSpace Audits
4 months agoAether Cosmology - Commentaries on Cosmology ft. Prof. Rob Parks & Dr. Robert BennettSpace Audits
1 year agoAether Cosmology - Paper Review - An Explanation of Dayton Miller’s Anomalous “Ether Drift” ResultSpace Audits
11 months agoAether Cosmology - Research Night #03: LIGO, Gravitational Waves, Black HolesSpaceAudits
10 months agoAether Cosmology - Research Night #03: LIGO, Gravitational Waves, Black HolesSpaceAudits
1 year agoHistory of Laser Interferometry: Dayton Miller [Space Audits Presentation]Anti-Disinfo League