A Song is Born –AKA– That's Life (1948 Full Movie) [A Musical Remake of the 1941's "Ball of Fire"] | Musical/Comedy | Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, Charlie Barnet.
Angels, Demons, and What Low-Resolution People (That's Most) Call "God" [Which is ACTUALLY Source-Energy/Origin-Source/All-That-Is] | Ayahuasca Expert, Shawn Chester on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast.
The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, Harvard Says "Aliens Are Living Among Us", and Practicing Fake Alien Invasions on Small Villages in South America — The PSYOP Has Begun! | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
Pres. Trump/Hannity Interview (6/5/24) | WE in 5D: Trump [and The Universe] TELL YOU (Subversively) He Cannot Fulfill All 'Promises' (Listen to Him!) YOU WILL (I AGREE). BUT I DISAGREE w/ His Reason for Backing Off on Locking Hillary Up.
OFFICIAL: Trump Chose J.D. Vance for Vice President at the Last-Minute—AFTER Nearly Begging RFK Jr. This Morning First! Generally Safe Choice; POOR CHOICE OVER ALL. | After the “Q”uantum A.I. Suggested RFK Jr., RFK’s Free Will Didn't Agree!