Former FBI Agent David Baumblatt TELLS AAALL About Who/What They Are as Scott McKay Interviews — Patriot Streetfighter (2/21/24) | WE in 5D: And IIIII Generally Agree‼️
DreamSpell: The Fiction of Time, and Hidden Ancient Technologies! | Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter (Link in Description).
Cymatics, and the RAPE of the Natural [Harmonious—Thus Healing] Vibrational Resonance of EXISTENCE ITSELF! | Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter (Link in Description).
Sacha Stone’s Digital Workshop Live on Patriot Streetfighter | The Weaponizing of Public Health, Healthcare, and Hiding Cures! But These “Demons” are Your Helpers—They are the Contrast Required for [Growth = Possibly the TOP Law in the Universe].
Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter | “Operation Lockstep”: A Chapter in Their Playbook. Just as the Bible is Their ULTIMATE Playbook—Deciphered and Decoded Most Accurate and Prolifically by the Esoteric Mystic!