11 months agoFunny animal videos 2023 - Funny cats/dogs - Funny animals Part71/Haypyy PettMkhaydarova
4 months agoEvery Morning I Like To Remind My Wife Who's In Charge! #DadJokes #Funny #humor #TryNotToLaughDad Jokes and Family Comedy
4 months agoYou can't make this shit up. World leaders at G20 take the group photo without Biden, then walk off: "Where's Biden?.. Oh, my God... Do you see him, Joe?.. Far left, left... To the left of the palm tree. Oh, my God..."The News Junkie's CartoonsVerified
2 years agoDUmmie FUnnies Channel Demonetized ONE WEEK Before Election... AGAIN!DUmmie FUnniesVerified