1. NEW! positive Dog Traning Instructional video

    NEW! positive Dog Traning Instructional video

  2. Methods to teach your dogs how to guard people and objects

    Methods to teach your dogs how to guard people and objects

  3. Dogs- BEST Protection Breeds

    Dogs- BEST Protection Breeds

  4. NEW! Positive Dog Training Instructional video #dogtraing

    NEW! Positive Dog Training Instructional video #dogtraing

  5. SECRETS of training Elite Protection Dogs Instructional video

    SECRETS of training Elite Protection Dogs Instructional video

  6. Everyone needs this Dog training skill! Touchpad training

    Everyone needs this Dog training skill! Touchpad training

  7. How To Develop Protection Dogs in two ways!

    How To Develop Protection Dogs in two ways!

  8. Online Instructional Dog Training Video (Sneak Peek). Train Your Dog At Home -Anthony’s K-9 Services

    Online Instructional Dog Training Video (Sneak Peek). Train Your Dog At Home -Anthony’s K-9 Services

  9. NEW! Positive Dog Training Instructional video

    NEW! Positive Dog Training Instructional video

  10. Guard Dog Training Step by Step!! (instructional video)

    Guard Dog Training Step by Step!! (instructional video)

  11. How to train your DOG Through POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT - Dog Training Videos For Beginners

    How to train your DOG Through POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT - Dog Training Videos For Beginners

  12. Shocking! NEVER been done before in Protection Dog Training

    Shocking! NEVER been done before in Protection Dog Training
