1 year agoCancer Tarot Reading Being the true you, can you take this chance on this relationship?JoAaA
1 year agoCancer Tarot Reading - Let yout guard down and celebrate, it is safe to be softer! Late JuneJoAaA
2 years ago#tarot#virgo Virgo - They lying to you about finances. The question is what are they doing with itCC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#sagittarius Sagittarius - Expect positive changes in love and FinancesCC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#aquarius OH they using you for finances and their own benefits. pls watch...CC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year agoPisces Tarot Reading - WTF do I do with earth energy? Thrown you into a loop! Dont go into StathsisJoAaA
1 year agoVirgo Tarot Reading - Do Not Let This Person Steal Your Thunder, show Them Your POWER..JoAaA
2 years agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #140 ~ spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
1 year agoAries Tarot Reading - It was Their Chaos, and They Know It... its OK to be ALONE, work on YOU!JoAaA
1 year agoLibra Tarot Reading - Your Power and energy can not be rivaled AND they know it! Late Aug 23JoAaA
1 year agoScorpio Tarot Reading, 7 Major arcana! Going to be movement around your job and home life! JuneJoAaA