Amightywind Prophecy 73 Excerpts - A Fake Rapture Coming! DEW'S REALITY. Project Blue Beam Deception a coming dark jesus, a counterfeit of the True JESUS/YAHUSHUA of the Bible
Amightywind Prophecy 32 (1999) Excerpts America "blood shed has not come to your shores from war for many years but you have now called it upon yourselves!" "No Warnings" NATO BLITZED (mirrored)
2010 YOUTUBE Extreme Battles! YAH SAID take the masses of prophets of baal leading many to a false jesus to Spiritual Mount Carmel. Anointed Minister speaks HIS Apostle's Words (mirrored)
2009 and On Youtube/Internet Global Battle! YAH SAID take the masses of prophets of baal leading many to a false jesus to Spiritual Mount Carmel. Anointed Minister speaks HIS Apostle's Words
Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse/5G/more! (See received in 2020 Prophecy 154 YAH'S Fury U.S. Betrayed/Treasons so China Infiltrates/Trump-baby Christian, NO hybrid)
Prophecy 66 evil ones defeat "after the Bride (144,000) changes into their Glorified Bodies and will warn the guests not to take the Mark of the Beast and to help protect them" physically/spiritually