6 months agoIf They (Politicians, Patriots, Truthers, Media, Etc.) Don't Say "JESUITS," They're on the PAYROLLLiberty TV
6 months agoSUSPECTED Gatekeeper David Weiss Hides Video "Magnetic Pole Shift EXPLAINED" on His Archive ChannelLiberty TV
6 months agoTrump, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. Obey the Roman AI-NWO Cabal, NOT Zionist CabalLiberty TV
5 months agoIRREFUTABLE PROOF: Footage of the Plasma Moon Disproves the Solid Moon and Moon LandingLiberty TV
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7 months ago(Clip #1) Mind Control and Re-Education Techniques at the Disposal of the NWO Cabal, NASA and FEMALiberty TV
7 months ago(Clip #2) Mind Control and Re-Education Techniques at the Disposal of the NWO Cabal, NASA and FEMALiberty TV
6 months agoPlanets Are Electromagnetic Toroidal Fields One Inside Another! They Are Not Solid Balls In "Space"!Liberty TV
6 months agoSHOCKING: Planets Are Not What They Told Us! It's Time to Learn the True Cosmos! More Info in Desc.Liberty TV
6 months agoClif High (Suspected NWO/Globe Gatekeeper) Says "Elohim" May Be On or In the Moon & Owning the MoonLiberty TV
6 months agoSUSPECTED Freemason Gatekeepers in the Flat-Earth Movement | Freemasonry Is a Jesuit CreationLiberty TV
6 months agoThe Timeline of the Cabal-Hijacked Modern Flat-Earth Movement | Flat Earth Is REAL but CONTROLLED!Liberty TV
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6 months agoAl-Biruni, Moon Crater & AE Map EXPOSED: The Jesuits Are Masters of Deception in Science & HistoryLiberty TV
8 months agoSUSPECTED NWO-Cabal, Globe-Earth or AE/Gleason-Map Gatekeepers in the Flat-Earth Movement (See Desc)Liberty TV
7 months agoGreat Reset & Agenda 21: The Satanic Purpose of Covid/Flu Shot, M/WBAN & Internet of Bio-Nano ThingsLiberty TV
6 months agoIn 1965, a Real Scientist, Professor Among R. Foster, Stated That the Moon Is Plasma - NOT SOLID !!!Liberty TV
7 months agoTHE TRUE COSMOS: Join the True-Cosmos Movement Before It Is Too Late for Mankind ! Read the Desc. !Liberty TV
7 months agoDownload the Core Evidential Videos on Local Sun, Plasma Moon & Flat Earth for Safekeeping & SharingLiberty TV
7 months agoThe Moon Is The KEY To The COSMOS! They Hide the True Cosmos to Manipulate and Enslave All Nations!Liberty TV
7 months agoCYBERATTACK ALERT: Banks Worldwide May Be Attacked as Part of the AI-NWO Plan for Digital ID & CBDCLiberty TV
6 months agoGOOD/BAD YOU DECIDE: Donald Trump Announces Elon Musk Will Head Audit of "Entire Federal Government"Liberty TV
6 months agoThe Most-Viewed Video on YouTube: 15+ Billion Views and 44+ Million Likes (IMAGINARY)Liberty TV